Room PArent
InfORMATION & REsources
Thank you to our room parents for volunteering! Below are some resources to help you this school year. Because these are Microsoft Word templates, it is preferable you open them on desktop vs. mobile.
OCTOBER 31ST: 11:15-12:15
DECEMBER 20TH: 11:15-12:15
JUNE 19TH: 11:15-12:15
Party Planning Reminders:
- Parties are one hour and the time does go pretty quickly! Plan games and/or crafts accordingly. If you need help planning an activity, feel free to reach out to the teacher(s), use google, Pinterest, or social media for ideas.
- Room representatives may choose 3-5 snacks from the approved list below. You MUST notify the school nurses of what you are bringing at least one week prior to the class party to ensure there are no medical concerns for the classroom. You can do this by filling out their Google form (email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions).
- Early dismissal is not permitted following class parties. Room representatives and class party volunteers must meet their child/children outside as a walker at the end of the school day. If you will be picking your child/children in a way that is different from their normal dismissal method, please email the teacher and main office in the morning and let them know.
- Remember to reach out to your class party volunteers for help! Please reference the email with this sign up to identify who they are, if you are not sure. For privacy reasons, we will not be posting here publicly.
Collecting Class Donations
As head room parent and assistant room parent, please work together to decide how you would like to fund the materials and food needed for class parties. This can be done on a budget and split between room representatives, or you can decide to ask for donations from the other class parents.
For teacher gifts, typically money is collected for a holiday gift and an end of the year gift. You can also collect money for a teacher appreciation week (5/5 - 5/9), however, a template is provided below for an alternative to a monetary gift, if you prefer to do something different. Please consider if you have multiple teachers in your child's class when planning for gifts. If you would like to learn more about the teacher(s) if your classroom, feel free to send them the teacher survey below. This is a great way to get to know the teacher and what gifts they may like.
updated_food_list_22-23__sept_23_.docx |
room_parent_letter_-_intro.docx |
room_parent_letter_-_holiday_gift_donations.docx |
room_parent_letter_-_teacher_appreciation_alternative.docx |
room_parent_letter_-_eoy_gift_donations.docx |
teacher_survey.docx |
room_parent_info_session_101023.pptx |